Innocent “Innoh” Grant
Innocent “Innoh” Grant is a clinician and youth leader working in digital media for reproductive health promotion. Innocent is currently a program officer at the Young and Alive Initiatives Organization in Tanzania, where he leads the “Ubongo na Fleva” project, which leverages the famous East African “bongo fleva” music genre to promote young people’s sexual health rights. He also manages the “Contraceptive Conversations” project, which he founded in 2017. The project complements classroom-based contraceptive education sessions by providing a phone number to which young people can anonymously text their additional questions, which are later answered on the project’s Facebook page, “Tuongee Uzazi wa Mpango” (contraceptives conversations). Innocent also founded the “Her Story is My Story” project, which advocates for young people’s access to sexual health information and youth-friendly services. In 2020, the program will expand to link girls whose stories are featured in the project to relevant, district-level advocacy work tied to the “Tanzania National Accelerated and Investment Agenda for Adolescent health 2019-2022.”